...и возблагодарим Господа за языковый пруд, к которому мы все спускаемся, чтобы напиться.
18.12.2011 в 21:26
Пишет  Sabi*:

I'm touched by this

“Well she got me the job at Potter, practically, so for anyone who doesn’t know that story, I basically owe everything to Maggie Smith because I worked with her on David Copperfield and then she came on to Potter as McGonagall and said to the director, ‘You need to audition this boy.’ So I kind of owe her everything, so to Maggie I just say my fairy godmother.” — Daniel Radcliffe (on the first thing that comes to mind about Maggie)

“Daniel was so lovely to work with. I’m so glad I insisted they see him for the part.” — Maggie Smith (on being part of the Harry Potter films)

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аот что значит "когда ты еще на горшок ходил" :lol:

@темы: ГП, Daniel Radcliffe

18.12.2011 в 23:11

а я с марса, ага (с.)
как мииило :3
19.12.2011 в 00:49

Она не меняется совсем.

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