17.01.2018 в 16:45
Пишет [Математик]:URL записи17.01.2018 в 14:04Пишет Chirsine:
Очень красивая подборка с завязкой на исторические события :URL записи
+ еще гифок“ silvermarmoset:
“ refinery29:
“ One Haunting Video Shows “Beauty Through The Decades” In New Light Karolina Żebrowska’s “Beauty Through The Ages” video shows not only on the glamorized versions of women but also the real, middle and..." width="440">“ silvermarmoset:
“ refinery29:
“ One Haunting Video Shows “Beauty Through The Decades” In New Light Karolina Żebrowska’s “Beauty Through The Ages” video shows not only on the glamorized versions of women but also the real, middle and..." width="440">“ silvermarmoset:
“ refinery29:
“ One Haunting Video Shows “Beauty Through The Decades” In New Light Karolina Żebrowska’s “Beauty Through The Ages” video shows not only on the glamorized versions of women but also the real, middle and..." width="440">“ silvermarmoset:
“ refinery29:
“ One Haunting Video Shows “Beauty Through The Decades” In New Light Karolina Żebrowska’s “Beauty Through The Ages” video shows not only on the glamorized versions of women but also the real, middle and..." width="440">“ silvermarmoset:
“ refinery29:
“ One Haunting Video Shows “Beauty Through The Decades” In New Light Karolina Żebrowska’s “Beauty Through The Ages” video shows not only on the glamorized versions of women but also the real, middle and..." width="440">“ silvermarmoset:
“ refinery29:
“ One Haunting Video Shows “Beauty Through The Decades” In New Light Karolina Żebrowska’s “Beauty Through The Ages” video shows not only on the glamorized versions of women but also the real, middle and..." width="440">“ silvermarmoset:
“ refinery29:
“ One Haunting Video Shows “Beauty Through The Decades” In New Light Karolina Żebrowska’s “Beauty Through The Ages” video shows not only on the glamorized versions of women but also the real, middle and..." width="440">“ silvermarmoset:
“ refinery29:
“ One Haunting Video Shows “Beauty Through The Decades” In New Light Karolina Żebrowska’s “Beauty Through The Ages” video shows not only on the glamorized versions of women but also the real, middle and..." width="440">“ silvermarmoset:
“ refinery29:
“ One Haunting Video Shows “Beauty Through The Decades” In New Light Karolina Żebrowska’s “Beauty Through The Ages” video shows not only on the glamorized versions of women but also the real, middle and..." width="440">“ silvermarmoset:
“ refinery29:
“ One Haunting Video Shows “Beauty Through The Decades” In New Light Karolina Żebrowska’s “Beauty Through The Ages” video shows not only on the glamorized versions of women but also the real, middle and..." width="440">
(с) из видео Beauty Through The Decades The Realistic Way